Understanding Roulette Rules – Essential Guide

The game of roulette endures as a cornerstone of the casino experience, drawing in a multitude of players with its spellbinding combination of chance and strategic possibilities. This beginner’s guide to roulette aims to demystify the principles of the game, equipping newcomers with the knowledge to confidently approach the roulette table.

Central to grasping roulette rules is recognising the significance of coloured chips, which are unique to each player, preventing any mix-up of wagers. These chips must be redeemed at the table where they were purchased as they carry no value elsewhere. The array of betting opportunities in roulette is vast, allowing players to stake on individual numbers, rows, or adjacent numbers, as well as options such as colours or whether a number may be odd or even. Payouts are as diverse as the betting choices with the potential for substantial returns, particularly for bold bets placed on single numbers.

For those learning how to play roulette, understanding roulette rules is essential before placing any bets. Ensuring correct placement of chips within the designated areas of the table layout is a player’s responsibility. It is this fundamental knowledge, combined with the allure of potential rewards, that makes roulette a much-celebrated game among both amateurs and seasoned gamblers alike.

Key Takeaways

  • Colour-coded chips are vital for distinguishing bets on the roulette table.
  • Cash in chips at the same table where they were obtained to avoid loss of value.
  • Roulette offers a spectrum of betting options, each with its own payout rate.
  • A proper understanding of the roulette betting rules is essential for any player.
  • Each gambler must correctly place their chips on the table, as the dealer will not assist.
  • Knowing how to play roulette encompasses a blend of following rules and engaging in the thrill of chance.

Introduction to the Game of Roulette

Revered in gaming establishments across the globe, the roulette wheel rules have solidified its standing as a quintessential casino staple. Embodying both simplicity and mystery, roulette’s allure stems from its harmonious blend of uncomplicated basic roulette rules and the captivating spectacle of the spinning wheel. At its core, roulette invites players to predict the resting place of a small, bouncing ball on a numbered wheel, a task seemingly straightforward yet thrilling.

Each roulette table is showcased with a meticulously organised layout, detailing numbers and a multitude of betting options. Such an arrangement not only enhances clarity for the participants but also encapsulates the essence of the roulette game rules. As players lay down their chips on predictions ranging from a single poignant number to a daring colour bet, the croupier animates the game. With a flick, the ball cascades in one direction as the wheel turns counter-wise, both racing towards an inevitable but unpredictable halt.

The presence of roulette extends far beyond the velvet-lined boundaries of traditional casinos. It thrives in the digital realms of online casinos and special roulette terminals, often found at large events, each offering distinct experiences while adhering to the unaltered roulette game rules. The fundamental objective of roulette – to guess correctly where the ball will land – stays constant, uniting players in a common pursuit of triumph against chance.

Experience and novices alike recognise roulette as the embodiment of the casino spirit – a game that promises both peril and reward, demanding no profound expertise yet offering profound elation. For many casino-goers, the roulette experience represents much more than a game; it is a dance with fortune, a flirtation with fate, and an iconic pastime that has endured the test of time.

Whether it’s the prestige of Monte Carlo or the glitz of Las Vegas, the excitement of the roulette wheel is a universal language in the casino world.

Understanding the iconic nature of roulette is not merely to acknowledge its fame but to appreciate the fusion of chance, tradition and anticipation that it encapsulates. As the roulette wheel rules spark interest, the gameplay underpins a larger narrative of chance encounters, making the understanding of basic roulette rules not just a gaming prerequisite but a passage into the heart of casino culture.

The Roulette Wheel and Table Layout

The heart of the roulette game lies within the wheel and table layout – each element meticulously designed to provide a seamless gaming experience. Whether you find yourself engrossed in the dynamic atmosphere of a bustling casino or the virtual expanses of online gaming platforms, knowledge of the roulette table layout and rules is paramount. With variations of roulette offering different odds, the layout becomes an arena for strategic play, where each position of the chip signifies intent and possibility.

The American Roulette Variation

Embracing the high-spirited essence of its name, American-style Roulette features a wheel that’s distinct due to the addition of a double zero (’00’). With 38 slots – each one a potential destination for the enigmatic ivory ball – this version presents players with a unique set of challenges and odds. The American Roulette wheel elevates the casino’s advantage, yet its popularity endures, perhaps attributed to the thrill that arises from its amplified risk.

The European Roulette Style

European Roulette, on the other hand, is characterised by a more player-friendly structure, boasting 37 slots and just a single zero (‘0′). Commonly favoured in the international gaming scene, the absence of the ’00’ slot in European Roulette marginally improves the odds for the gambler, making it a staple on the European continent and beyond. Its widespread acclaim is testament to the game’s adaptability and the allure of a traditional roulette experience.

Understanding the Roulette Table

The roulette table is the battleground where fortunes are made and dreams dissolve. The layout – a grid lined with numbers and various betting options – is where the drama of the game unfolds. It serves not just as a visual guide for players, but as a codex that details the rules of engagement. Here lies a representation of the roulette wheel’s sequence, against which bets are set in anticipation of where the ball may come to rest.

To illustrate the contrast between the two prevalent styles of roulette, consider the following comparative table:

Feature American Roulette European Roulette
Number of Slots 38 37
Zeros 0, 00 0
House Edge Higher Lower
Popular in USA, Canada Europe, International

Mastering the subtleties of the roulette wheel and its corresponding table layout is essential for any enthusiast seeking to understand the full scope of roulette table layout and rules. With the differences between American-style Roulette and European Roulette in mind, players can make informed choices and develop strategies aligned with their preferred style of play.

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Roulette Rules: How to Bet

Delving into the realm of roulette commands an understanding of the roulette strategy and rules, particularly the roulette betting rules which provide structure to the gameplay. The initial step in this journey begins with the procurement of distinct coloured chips from the table where one’s fortune is to be challenged. These chips, crucial to the betting process, must be exchanged for cash before departure, for they have no worth beyond the table’s edge.

Each roulette table declares the minimum and maximum stakes, thereby setting clear boundaries for the players’ wagers. The croupier orchestrates the commencement and cessation of betting with their announcements, framing the tempo of play. It’s with the phrase “Place your bets” that the excitement mounts, and as “No more bets” reverberates over the table, a hush of anticipation falls. In these moments, each player’s strategy takes shape, weighed against lady luck’s whimsy.

The art of roulette continues with the revelation of the winning number, symbolised by a marker – the dolly. After this declaration, the dealer proceeds with calculated efficiency to remove the losing bets and bestows winnings with dutiful impartiality. The structure of the betting rules is essential, providing a foundation of fairness and order upon which the rotating wheel of fortune spins.

As one concludes their dalliance with destiny and opts to leave the roulette table, a final act is required. The unique coloured chips, once a vivid symbol of optimistic bets, must be reverted to cash chips – the universal tender of the casino. This ceremonial exchange signifies the end of a player’s engagement in the roulette arena and underscores the importance of following the rules that afford the game its integrity and allure.

Types of Roulette Bets Explained

As integral components of the roulette game rules, the various bets available in roulette dictate the game’s tempo and potential rewards. To proficiently partake in the action, discerning different types of layout bets and understanding roulette bets are paramount. In roulette, wagers fall into two principal categories: inside bets and outside bets. Each type of bet comes with its distinct odds and payouts, inviting players to either play it safe or risk it all for a chance at greater winnings.

Inside Bets and Their Payouts

Inside bets are placed directly on numbers or small combinations thereof within the roulette grid. These high-risk options offer higher payouts, appealing to those willing to challenge the odds. The table below outlines the common inside bets and their corresponding payouts:

Inside Bet Description Payout
Straight Up Single number bet 35 to 1
Split Two adjacent numbers 17 to 1
Street Row of three numbers 11 to 1
Corner Block of four numbers 8 to 1
Six Line Two rows of three numbers 5 to 1

Outside Bets and Their Odds

Outside bets encapsulate larger groupings of numbers or particular characteristics and are placed on the peripheral areas of the layout. These bets generally offer better odds of winning but yield lower payouts. They include wagers on number properties such as colour, odd or even, and various fixed ranges of numbers.

  1. Red or Black: Betting on the colour of the winning number.
  2. Odd or Even: Wagering on whether the winning number will be odd or even.
  3. Dozen Bet: Betting on one of three dozen blocks on the layout.
  4. Column Bet: Wagering on one of the three columns of numbers.

Each of these outside bets typically provides a payout of 2 to 1, or even money in the case of red/black and odd/even.

Announced Bets and Special Wagers

Roulette also entertains the prospect of announced bets, which are called out to the croupier. These special wagers predominantly feature in European and French roulette, permitting strategic bets on sections of the wheel. These wagers can add excitement and sophistication to the roulette experience, challenging seasoned players to diversify their betting strategies for potentially high rewards.

In sum, whether a player opts for straightforward outside bets or the grittier inside bets, roulette provides a spectrum of betting opportunities. Coupled with local or special wagers, the array of choices fortifies roulette’s enduring popularity. A thorough comprehension of the stakes available is the foundation of a strategic approach to the roulette wheel.

Roulette Betting Rules and Etiquette

When it comes to engaging in the quintessential casino game of roulette, an appreciation for roulette etiquette ensures a seamless experience at the wheel. The essence of roulette betting rules is centred on a respectful approach to gaming, which begins with the exchange of currency for distinctive coloured chips. This exclusive colour coding facilitates the unmistakable recognition of individual wagers placed on the verdant roulette layout.

In setting the stage for a round of roulette, each table maintains its specific minimum and maximum bet thresholds. Astuteness in acquainting oneself with these limits not only aligns with responsible gambling practices but also supports the flow of the game. The croupier, serving as the game’s conductor, precisely signals the periods for placing bets. It is vital that participants adhere to these cues and refrain from further betting once the call of “No more bets” is announced.

Exercising roulette etiquette is paramount; it upholds the integrity of the game and ensures that all players, seasoned and novices alike, enjoy the camaraderie of the table.

Upon the roulette ball settling into its final pocket, the croupier deftly identifies the winning number. During this pivotal moment, players must refrain from any interference with the chips on the table—allowing the croupier to clear losing bets and administrate the distribution of winnings fairly and efficiently.

Exiting the game calls for a crucial compliance with roulette etiquette; players are obliged to convert their coloured chips back to standard casino chips. This practice is not merely procedural but a gesture of respect towards the casino’s operational guidelines. Failing to observe this step would be considered a faux pas, both in regard to roulette rules and general casino decorum.

Below is a summarised guide to the roulette betting rules and etiquette to serve as a reference for anyone wishing to refine their understanding:

Aspect Details
Chip Colour Unique to each player for bet recognition.
Betting Window Defined by the croupier’s announcements.
Bet Limits Clear minimum and maximum stakes provided at each table.
Chip Handling No touching of chips after the winning number is announced.
Leaving the Table Exchange coloured chips for standard casino ones.

Adherence to these elements of conduct within the thrill of roulette ensures not only the integrity of the game but also the enjoyment and smooth operation appreciated by all at the casino.

Understanding Roulette Odds and Payouts

The intricate dance of roulette is influenced significantly by the synthesis of strategy and probability. A prime factor in this equation is the understanding of roulette odds and payouts, which directly inform the prospects of each bet. Grasping these concepts serves not only to enrich the experience but to aid players in crafting a roulette strategy that finds the perfect balance between risk and reward.

Calculating the House Edge

At the very heart of roulette strategy lies the concept of the house edge—the mathematical advantage that the casino holds over the player. This edge is a built-in mechanism that, over time, ensures the casino’s profitability. Depending on whether you’re spinning an American or European wheel, the house edge will vary. In American roulette, the extra double zero increases this figure, nudging the odds slightly in favour of the house as compared to its European counterpart.

Common Payout Structures

Each type of wager in the world of roulette carries its specific odds and corresponding payout. Understanding the roulette payouts is crucial for players to gauge the potential returns on their gambles. While a straight bet on a single number provides a payout of 35 to 1, less direct wagers such as red/black or odd/even offer even odds, reflecting the increased probability of winning such bets. Below is an overview of common roulette payouts:

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Bet Type Payout Probability (American) Probability (European)
Single 35 to 1 2.63% 2.70%
Split 17 to 1 5.26% 5.41%
Street 11 to 1 7.89% 8.11%
Corner 8 to 1 10.53% 10.81%
Six Line 5 to 1 15.79% 16.22%

However, the roulette payouts are shaped dramatically by the inclusion of more specific rules such as ‘La Partage’ and ‘En Prison’, which can decrease the house edge mostly on even money bets. This is particularly advantageous in situations where a zero is spun. Such nuances are what transform roulette from a game of pure chance into a strategic pursuit where every decision could tip the scales in favour of the player.

The Role of the Croupier in Roulette

While the roulette wheel spins and the ball dances to its final stopping point, it is the croupier who commands the action and maintains the pace of the game. Far from being a mere facilitator, the role of the croupier is pivotal in enlivening the roulette experience. They are tasked with a multitude of responsibilities, each requiring precision, diligence, and a thorough grounding in roulette rules and etiquette.

Croupiers are professionals, meticulously trained to master every aspect of the roulette game rules. They deftly manage the flow of the game with poise and efficiency, from the initial spin of the wheel to declaring the round’s conclusion. It is the croupier who calls players to action with the prompt “Place your bets”, and it is also they who signal the end of wagering time with the decisive “No more bets, please”. These phrases, delivered with clarity, are intrinsic to the rhythm of roulette.

Another essential aspect of their role encompasses the transactions that are at the heart of the game. They are responsible for the exchange of money for the game’s currency – the colourful roulette chips. Each player receives chips of a unique hue, ensuring that bets are easily distinguishable on the table; this detail upholds the core tenet of the game: clarity in betting.

The croupier’s duties extend into the realm of arbiter when the spinning ball finds solace in a numbered slot. They place the dolly on the winning number, a clear indicator of where fortune has landed. A swift and orderly collection of losing bets ensues, followed by the distribution of winnings to the fortunate ones. This seamless process is orchestrated under the croupier’s watchful eye, affirming the integrity and thrill of the game.

Maintaining the highest standards of roulette rules and decorum is threaded into every action the croupier undertakes. Their interplay with the players adheres to a code of professionalism that underpins the casino’s reputation. For newcomers to the roulette table, the croupier is both a guide and an instructor, imparting nuances of gameplay with each turn of the wheel. For the seasoned gambler, the croupier is the embodiment of the casino experience – a purveyor of chance and a custodian of fair play.

The table below further elucidates the essential functions of a croupier in the game of roulette:

Function: Duty:
Spinning the wheel Initiating the game by setting the wheel in motion
Bet management Announcing the opening and closing of the betting period
Chip exchange Exchanging money for roulette chips distinctive to each player
Identifying the win Deploying the dolly to mark the winning number
Outcome management Collecting losing bets and dispensing winnings
Rules enforcement Upholding the roulette betting rules and etiquette

Ultimately, the croupier’s role integrates the heartbeat of the game with the theatre of chance. Through their central position at the roulette table, croupiers embody the incarnate spirit of roulette – a blend of attentiveness, skill, and the timeless dance with luck that has drawn countless individuals to the wheel’s mesmerising spin.

Roulette Strategies and Systems

Roulette, while a game largely based on chance, fascinates players with the potential that certain strategies and betting systems can influence the gameplay. Though the outcomes of the spins cannot be predicted or controlled, some players apply structured approaches to betting in an attempt to maximise their winning chances. Here, we explore some of the well-known roulette systems and assess their strategic value in the quest for roulette success.

The Martingale System

The Martingale System is perhaps the most recognised roulette strategy, famed for its simplicity and direct approach. Advocating a straightforward method, this system instructs players to double their bet after each loss. The rationale behind this technique is the belief that a win is bound to happen eventually, and when it does, it will recover all previous losses plus provide a profit equal to the original bet. Despite its wide use, the Martingale is a risky betting strategy that requires a considerable bankroll to absorb strings of consecutive losses.

The D’Alembert Approach

Contrasting the Martingale’s aggressive betting pattern, the D’Alembert Approach offers a more conservative roulette system. It recommends increasing or decreasing the bet by just one unit following a loss or a win, respectively. This progression is slower and considered safer, as it does not require the player to make steep increases in their wagers. However, like all roulette strategies, it cannot overcome the game’s inherent advantage, which ultimately rests with the casino.

Other Popular Roulette Strategies

Altering betting amounts in a systematic way, whether aggressively like the Martingale System or conservatively following the D’Alembert, are just two strategies among a plethora. Other approaches involve complex sequences of numbers and betting patterns. The Fibonacci strategy, for instance, uses a famous numerical sequence to dictate betting increments, while the Labouchere system requires players to cross out numbers and create their own betting lines. Another is the enigmatic James Bond strategy, which distributes bets over a range of numbers and categories, aiming for a spread that covers a significant portion of the roulette board.

Regardless of the chosen roulette strategy or roulette system, each is designed with the ultimate aim of tempering the uncertainties of this classic game. Players might find that these systems enhance their playing experience by imposing order and structure to their betting habits. Yet, it should always be remembered that no strategy guarantees success in roulette, due to its random nature and the ever-present house edge.

Unique Roulette Variations and Rules

Within the world of casino gaming, a rich tapestry of roulette variations entices players with their unique qualities and enhanced playing experiences. These range from the conventional American Roulette and European Roulette to more exotic versions, each augmenting classic gaming with its own bespoke set of unique roulette rules.

The European variation furnishes the roulette world with player-centric rules like ‘La Partage’ and ‘En Prison’, significantly reducing the house edge. ‘La Partage’ gifts players half their stake back on even-money bets when a zero is spun, while ‘En Prison’ allows them to recover their full stake if the next spin favours their bet. These adjustments in roulette rules not only cater to player advantage but also enrich strategic depth.

Alternatively, American Roulette maintains its distinct flavour through the inclusion of the ’00’ slot, intensifying the game’s challenge with a higher house edge that seasoned players may find inviting. The presence of this additional slot necessitates a bespoke approach to strategy and a keen awareness of its impact on odds.

Beyond these, there exists a spectrum of less conventional options. Some configurations exhibit a triple zero slot, an addition that extends the house edge even further, challenging enthusiasts to adapt their conventional strategies to these altered dynamics. Another innovative approach is witnessed in tombola roulette, typically found at special terminals. This variant melds elements of bingo with the roulette format, offering a whimsical departure from traditional gameplay.

Maintaining the core essence of roulette, these varying styles and rules invite both new and veteran players to explore fresh challenges. Below reflects a comparison of features within these distinct roulette experiences:

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Feature American Roulette European Roulette Unique Variants
Number of Zeros Double: 0, 00 Single: 0 Variable: Single, Double, Triple
House Edge Higher Lower with ‘La Partage’ & ‘En Prison’ Varies by variation
Special Betting Options Standard ‘La Partage’, ‘En Prison’ Unique options per game type
Strategic Implications Increased risk Enhanced player-favouring options Distinct strategies needed

These distinct roulette variations not only highlight diverse opportunities for play but demonstrate the dynamic and evolving nature of this timeless game. Each unique rule adaptation requires a thoughtful recalibration of strategy, yet unfailingly upholds roulette’s enduring charm and capacity to thrill.

Staying Safe and Responsible While Playing Roulette

As an esteemed pastime of chance, roulette nevertheless necessitates an adherence to principles of responsible gambling. Safe gaming practices are of the utmost importance when engaging with the thrills and spills of the roulette table, and this involves being fully aware of the roulette rules and the inherent risks of wagering in games of luck. Setting personal betting limits and having a clear understanding of the possible outcomes is key to maintaining both enjoyment and control over one’s casino experience.

Setting Limits and Understanding Risks

Integral to practicing responsible gaming is the self-imposition of limits. This crucial discipline aids in preventing the adverse consequences of gambling, ensuring that the pursuit of roulette remains a form of leisure rather than a financial burden. Players are encouraged to establish boundaries on the time and money they are prepared to spend and strictly adhere to these parameters. Familiarising oneself with the roulette rules and the probabilities associated with various bets is a valuable approach to appreciating the game’s structural risks.

Responsible Gambling Regulations and Fair Play

The role of gambling regulations in the domain of casino games extends beyond mere oversight—it encompasses the assurance of fair play and the safeguarding of players. These regulations dictate that casinos must clearly disclose the house edge and conform to ethical standards, thereby ensuring transparency and trustworthiness. Embracing strategies such as ‘La Partage’ and ‘En Prison’, where applicable, can further protect players by reducing the typical house edge in half. This not only enriches the playing experience but also represents a practical application of responsible gambling norms.

Ultimately, to engage in roulette is to partake in a celebration of chance. It is a game where the excitement of uncertainty aligns with responsible participation. By educating oneself on the roulette rules, embracing the ethos of responsible gambling, and maintaining cognisance of gambling regulations, players can ensure their experience at the roulette table is both safe and enjoyable.


Mastering the game of roulette, a mainstay among casino games, is a journey through a labyrinth of rules, strategy, and chance. While inherently a game governed by the caprice of a spinning wheel, an understanding of roulette rules and betting structures significantly augments the player’s experience. Knowledge of the disparate types of roulette wheels and the nuances of betting etiquette not only enhance gameplay but also usher players towards more informed decision-making.

Employing a roulette strategy can offer structure amidst the unpredictability, with betting systems serving to systematise the betting process. The croupier, too, plays an instrumental role, upholding the pace and authenticity of the game while ensuring all adhere to established protocols. Despite the allure of devising an infallible system, it remains paramount for aficionados of roulette to engage with the game responsibly, maintaining awareness of the ever-present house edge and the ethical considerations that underpin fair play in gambling.

The enduring appeal of roulette stems from its unique amalgamation of simplicity, diversity, and exhilarating uncertainty. As such, it continues to beckon a legion of enthusiasts to its circular arena of possibility within casinos the world over. To engage in roulette is to partake in a grand tradition of gaming, one that rewards the knowledgeable and the prudent, and perpetually enchants with the promise of fortune’s favour.


What are the basic roulette rules?

The basic roulette rules involve players betting on where they believe the ball will land on the roulette wheel. Once bets are placed, the croupier spins the wheel and releases the ball. Players can bet on individual numbers, colours (red or black), odd or even numbers, or various combinations of these. Once the ball lands on a number, winnings are paid out accordingly, and losing bets are collected.

How do I play roulette?

To play roulette, approach a roulette table and exchange your money for chips specific to that table. Decide where you want to place your bets on the roulette layout – individual numbers, colours, odd/even, or combinations. After the croupier announces “no more bets,” wait for the ball to settle into a numbered slot on the wheel to see if you’ve won.

What are the differences between American-style Roulette and European Roulette?

The primary difference is the number of zero slots: American Roulette features a 0 and a 00, which makes 38 slots on the wheel, whereas European Roulette has only one 0, totaling 37 slots. The presence of the extra 00 in American Roulette increases the house edge, affecting the odds.

How does the roulette table layout affect my betting?

The roulette table layout organises the different bet types into inside and outside bets. Your bets must be correctly placed on the specific section of the layout to indicate your wagering choice. Understanding the layout is crucial as it defines the potential outcomes and payouts you are betting on.

What are inside and outside bets in roulette?

Inside bets are wagers placed on specific numbers or combinations of numbers within the number grid on the table layout. These offer higher payouts but lower odds of winning. Outside bets are made on broader categories of numbers, such as red or black, odd or even, and high or low. These bets have a higher chance of winning but offer smaller payouts.

Are there specific betting strategies I can use while playing roulette?

While roulette is a game of chance, some players use betting systems like the Martingale, D’Alembert, or Fibonacci to structure their bets. These strategies involve adjusting the bet size based on previous results. However, no strategy can guarantee a win, and the house edge remains a significant factor.

What is a croupier and what is their role in roulette?

A croupier is the casino employee who manages the roulette table. Their role includes spinning the wheel, managing the bets and payouts, announcing when no more bets can be placed, and generally conducting the game.

What are ‘La Partage’ and ‘En Prison’ rules in roulette?

‘La Partage’ and ‘En Prison’ are rules that can apply to even-money bets in European Roulette only. ‘La Partage’ allows players to receive half of their bet back if the ball lands on zero. ‘En Prison’ gives the option to leave the bet for the next spin if the ball lands on zero, potentially allowing players to recover their stakes.

How important is it to gamble responsibly while playing roulette?

Gambling responsibly is extremely important. It involves setting clear limits on money and time spent, understanding the risks, not chasing losses, and being aware of and adhering to gambling regulations. It ensures a safe gaming environment and reduces the potential for problem gambling behaviour.

Are there any etiquette rules I should follow when playing roulette?

Yes, there’s certain etiquette to follow which includes not touching the chips after the croupier announces “no more bets,” respecting the other players and dealer, and exchanging your coloured chips for casino chips before leaving the table. These rules help keep the game orderly and enjoyable for everyone.

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